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why does my vagina hurt when i pee

Dysuria (Painful Urination): Treatment, Causes & Symptoms
Dysuria (Painful Urination): Treatment, Causes & Symptoms
Reasons PeeUrinary tract infection is fed (UTI)This usually means a type of virus or bacteria infects the bladder or urethra, the tube through which the urine leaves its body. You might feel like you have to go all the time, and it can burn or smell fun when you pee. Your urine may also be cloudy, red, bright or brown pink. Your doctor may try it for bacteria, and may prescribe antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Kidney infection Bladder infections sometimes increase the urinary tract to your kidneys, which is more serious. Or you can have a kidney infection after surgery. You may have fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, and urine that is dark, cloudy, bloody, or poorly smelled. Your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics to treat the problem. But you can try to prevent it, too: Drink plenty of water, try to urinate after sex, and go when you feel the urge. Painted bladder syndrome Also called interstitial cystitis, means that the bladder walls are irritated. Your bladder swells and feels sensitive, and your belly and pelvis can hurt. You may feel the need to go a lot but just pee a little at a time. Pain or burning in the lower abdomen or genitals can improve after urinating but worsening when you have to go or during sex. There is no cure, but the diet, exercise, medication, surgery, and physical therapy can treat it. Kidney Stones They form when too many minerals, usually calcium, accumulate in your body. The stones begin in the kidney but can continue to grow in the bladder or in the ureter, the tube that connects the two. It can really hurt to urinate if they do big enough to block the urine flow. The waves of pain can hit the back between the hips and the ribs. Smaller stones can go on their own, but you may need surgery to get rid of the larger ones. Least Infection This happens when your body has too much of a type of fungus called candida. If you are a woman, you can chop and burn around your vagina; have pain when you urinate or have sex; and notice a thick white discharge. In men, yeast infections can swell the head of the penis and cause pain, irritation and a white discharge. It's easy, but important, to deal with the problem. Free-sale medicines usually work, but talk to your doctor first. Chlamydia It is a bacterial STD that is obtained from having sex with an infected person. Although most people do not have symptoms, they can burn when they urinate and cause a discharge of the vagina or penis. Women can find painful sex, and men sometimes have pain in their testicles. If you have any chlamydia signal, consult your doctor. They can give you an antibiotic course to prevent the infection from causing other serious health problems. Prostatitis Prostate, a small gland near a man's bladder, swells and tenders. It can be painful and difficult to urinate. It may also have bloody or cloudy urine, and pain in the groin and lower belly when it is fucked or ejaculate. Bacteria are often the cause, and antibiotics can treat the infection. But trauma from surgery or injury, especially in the nerves of the area, can also cause prostatitis. Vaginal atrophy This can happen to women when they pass through menopause. The tissues of the vagina slowly begin to shrink and lose weight because the body has less estrogen. It can cause pain when urine, painful sex, itching, burning, dryness, discharge, and bleeding. Hormonal replacement therapy can help restore strength, stretching, and moisture to your vagina. There are also lotions, oils and lubricants that often make sex more comfortable. Vaginal TearBreaking is the main cause, but the sex or injury to lure something, like a bicycle seat, can also do it. Deep tears need points, but the little depths can heal on their own in a few weeks. You can see blood in the area, and you can chop or burn when you urinate. Unless it is very painful, it keeps the bleeding, or has signs of infection (unusual secretion, fever, dizziness or weak), pain medications and a sitz bath can be all you need. Uretral statureInfection, swelling, or injury damages the urethra, a tube that carries pee outside the body. This creates scar tissue that blocks or slows urine flow, which can hurt. You can also have dark-colored urine, lower-belt pain, bladder control problems and infections. Your doctor may try to stretch your urethra to open the rigor or clarify it with surgery. DouchingSome women do it to clean their vagina. To "do" , you squirt water , often mixed with vinegar , iodine , or bake soda , in the vaginal area . Doctors say it's a bad idea. This alters the natural balance of bacteria, which could lead to more infections that make it painful to urinate. It could also make pregnancy difficult or cause problems during pregnancy. Do not "undo" or avoid pregnancy once you have had sex. Cancer Treatment Chemotherapy or radiation around your lower abdomen may inflate your bladder and cause you to get hurt to urinate. You may notice that several weeks after therapy begins, and may continue for a few weeks after your treatment is over. Surgery to remove tumors in the area may also cause irritation and increase your chances of infection. It can help you drink a lot of fluid, wear loose clothes and talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Personal Care Products The handcuffs, creams and sprayers of your local store offer a way of "freshen up" your private parts, especially for women after sex. They are mostly unnecessary, and some have hard chemicals that can lead to skin breakdowns, infection, and other problems. Hot water is all you need to clean the area. If you are a woman, avoid tampons, pads, dust and similar products, especially if you tend to get infections. TumorIt is rare, but a tumor, whether cancerous or not, may sometimes cause it to hurt to urinate if it is near the bladder or urethra. I could also have to go more often. Talk to your doctor if you see blood in your urine, notice pain when you urinate, or feel a lump in your lower abdomen. Next Parade Title1 Reviewed by IMAGES PROVIDED BY:1) Thinkstock2) Thinkstock3) Thinkstock6) Science Source: "Chlamydia – CDC Fact Sheet."Cleveland Clinic: "Black cancer", "Black cancer" (Black cancer) "Infection of the urinary tract (UTI)". Merck Manual: "Inflammation of the penis", "Stones in the urinary tract". National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: "Infection of the Disease (Pyelonefritis), "Interstitial Criticism (Symptom of the Painted Bladder)," "Infection of the bladder (infection of the urine – UTI) at the National Institute of Adult Cancer" Foundation Prostate Cancer: "Prostate Gland". Aerial vision health: "Not obstetric vaginal cap". Urology Care Foundation: "Intraregional restriction disease". U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Women's Health Office: "Acting", "Vaginal Infections of Yeast". This tool does not provide medical advice. This work does not prohibit medical help. It is intended for general information purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and should not be based on making decisions about your health. Never ignore the professional medical advice in the search for treatment due to something you have read on the WebMD site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately or call 911. WebMD Slideshows See our presentations to learn more about your health. Top PicksHealth SolutionsMore WebMD Policies About WebMD Network Our applications for advertisers © 2005 - 2021 WebMD LLC. All rights reserved. DMA does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

AFP IssuesAFP By Topic Collections AFP CME QuizAFP Community BlogSubscribe to AFP Please note: This information was updated at the time of publication. But medical information is always changing, and some information given here may be out of date. For regular updates on various health issues, visit the AAFP patient education website. Please Note:Family Information Causes of Painful urine Am Fam Physician. 1998 1;57(9):2169-2170. See related article about . Why does it sometimes hurt when you pee? If you have an infection or vaginal inflammation, you may feel pain when the urine passes over the inflated tissue. And if the urethra is swollen, it could feel pain while the urine passes through it. (The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder.) You can be sensitive to chemicals in tissues, vaginal lubricants, soap or odor toilet paper. It can also be sensitive to the contraceptive or sponge foams. You will find out if you are sensitive to these products if it hurts to urinate after you have used them. The urine can hurt if the bladder is swollen. This may occur even if you do not have an infection. Something that presses against the bladder (such as an ovarian cyst) or irritation of a kidney stone that is glued near the entrance of the bladder can also cause painful urination. Certain drugs, such as some used in cancer chemotherapy or radiation treatments in the pelvic area, can inflate the bladder and cause painful urination. What do I need to tell my doctor? You should tell your doctor if you have had urinary tract infections before, how many you have had and how they were treated. How well he responded to that treatment is also important information. You should tell your doctor if you had urinary tract infections as a child. Your doctor should know about any other medical condition you may have, such as diabetes mellitus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), because this could affect your body's response to infection. Tell your doctor any known anomaly in your urinary tract or the possibility that you are pregnant is also important. Tell your doctor if procedures have been performed in your urinary tract or if you were recently hospitalized (less than a month ago) or you stayed in an elderly asylum. What kind of tests will I have to do? Your doctor will often be able to say what is causing your pain for your urine pattern description and symptoms, along with a physical exam. Testing your urine for white blood cells, red blood cells, and chemical by-products can also help your doctor identify what type of infection you have. A sample of your urine is usually taken in your doctor's office and sent to a laboratory to check for a bacterial infection. If your doctor thinks that your pain may be of vaginal inflammation, you can clean your vagina's coating with a hysop to collect mucus. The mucus will be looked under a microscope to see if it has yeast and other organisms. If your pain is from an infection in your urethra, your doctor may change it to look for white blood cells and test bacteria. If an infection cannot be found, the doctor may suggest other tests, such as pressure measurements within the bladder or cytoscopy (cytoscopy is a way to see the lining of the bladder with a very thin tube inserted through the urethra). What can I do to stop or prevent these symptoms? Most women who have a urinary tract infection do not receive another one and do not need to be in a prevention program. All they need is a few days of treatment with an antibiotic. Some women, however, receive these infections over and over, and may receive some relief from preventive efforts. Drinking 12 ounces of blueberry juice or blueberries every day decreases your chance of getting an infection. If you tend to get urinary tract infections after sexual intercourse, go to the bathroom right after intercourse or take a single dose of an antibiotic may decrease your risk. Frequent urinary tract infections may come from changes in the types of bacteria that live in the vagina. These changes can facilitate urinary tract infection. Antibacterial vaginal tissues, spermicides and certain oral antibiotics can cause this change in the vaginal bacteria. Avoid using these elements, if possible, if you still have urinary tract infections. Menopause can also cause changes in vaginal bacteria that increase the risk of urinary tract infection. Taking estrogen usually corrects this problem. How are urinary tract infections treated? If you are a healthy adult woman who is not pregnant, a three-day treatment of oral antibiotics is usually effective. It is important to tell your doctor if you have symptoms such as back pain and fever (especially fever over 101°F, which might mean that the infection has spread in your kidneys. It is also important to take your antibiotics exactly as prescribed by your doctor, as the missed dose can make the treatment less effective and can allow a kidney infection to develop. What if I still have urinary tract infections even after taking antibiotics? Some women continue to receive urinary tract infections, even after preventive measures. If you are having three or more urinary tract infections every year, your doctor may want to start a preventive antibiotic program. A small dose of antibiotics taken after having sex will help reduce infections that occur after intercourse. A small dose of an antibiotic taken every day helps to reduce infections not associated with coitus. Read the full article. Read the full article. Already a member/subscriber? Purchase Access: Already a member or subscriber? 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